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Study 22 – Creating an Atmosphere to Bring His Presence III

“How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!” —Genesis 28:17


I have experienced the release of “new sounds” from God through his worshippers in the body of Christ. He is raising up prophetic worshippers who have the ability to interpret and bring down divine sounds from His throne that have a part in fulfilling His plans. The sound that releases God’s vision may be the voice of a prophet who proclaims the revelation of His divine determination for the future. When it is difficult for people to understand or believe a revelation from God through words or explanations, then music and prophetic worship can become the means by which they are able to spiritually understand or receive what God is saying and doing.

In light of this reality, we can understand why Satan’s attacks within the church are directed mostly at the ministry of praise and worship. Satan is interested in our worship because he knows that God’s spiritual power will manifest on earth through it. He knows that if he can stop our worship of God, he can also stop heavenly revelation and sounds from being released on the earth, and thereby hinder God’s movement in this generation. We must be alert to his schemes, covering and surrounding the ministry of worship with prayer and intercession.

  1. (a) As we have learned from previous studies, what should be the result of our experience in God’s glory? (2 Corinthians 3:18b)


(b) What will happen to those who create and/or trust in idols, something that is the opposite of godly transformation? (Psalm 115:8 NIV)



Part III: Three Principles for Creating a Spiritual Atmosphere

  1. The first principle for creating an atmosphere to bring the presence of God is to “build a spiritual throne” for Him. Let us recall where God is “enthroned,” which also applies to His church. (Psalm 22:3b)


  1. The second principle for creating a spiritual atmosphere is that our worship must be of a quality and duration that a “cloud” of His presence is formed.
  • Following the example of the psalmist, what should our souls long for as we build a spiritual throne and atmosphere in which God will manifest Himself? (Psalm 84:2a)


  • What should our hearts and flesh cry out for? (Verse 2b)


  1. In previous studies, we have seen that the Lord often speaks from a cloud of His glory. Let us look at another such example.
  • When the Israelites in the wilderness were summoned to God’s presence, what appeared in the cloud? (Exodus 16:10b)


  • What happened next? (Verse 11a)



In the spiritual realm, we “build God’s throne” when we worship Him. His presence will always manifest when the throne is built. Therefore, we know the throne is complete when we experience the outpouring of His glory. We cannot stop our worship before this happens. Let us always remember this principle: Praise until the spirit of worship comes, and worship until the glory descends. There is no formula for how long we need to praise and worship God; it should always be until his spiritual throne I built. The Holy Spirit is our Helper. He teaches us to worship God in spirit and in truth, and He stands by our side to receive our worship and take it to the Father. Our purpose in worship is to invite God’s presence to descend. Only in His presence will we be transformed so that we can take the same power of transformation to others.


The ingredients in the atmosphere of glory are continuous prayer, offerings, intercession, praise, worship, obedience, and honour.

  1. The third principle for creating an atmosphere to bring the presence of God is that we must perceive and release the spiritual atmosphere. What did Jacob say when he awoke and remembered his dream of a ladder reaching from earth to heaven, on which God’s angels ascended and descended? (Gensis 28:16)


  1. Who alone will enable us to perceive a spiritual atmosphere in which God is present? Complete the following:

1 Corinthians 2:12: “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but __________ might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.”

  1. What do we need to “mix” with a spiritual atmosphere of worship in order to release and receive God’s blessings? This is the ingredient that the Israelites in the wilderness failed to mix with the word they heard from God. (Hebrews 4:26)


A spiritual atmosphere is created through worship, but the cloud must be discerned to release its contents.

Part IV: Responding to God’s Glory

  1. (a) Immediately after having the dream of a ladder reaching to heaven and God speaking to him, what did Jacob say about the place where he was> (Genesis 28:17)


(b) The morning after he had his dream, in what way did Jacob respond to the fact that the Lord was “in this place” with him? (Verse 18)


  1. When Moses first found himself in the presence of God, what did the Lord instruct him to do after cautioning him not to draw near to the burning bush, and what reason did He give? (Exodus 3:5b)


  1. Recall the prophet Isaiah’s vision of the Lord in His glory. (See Isaiah 6:1-4.)
  • What did Isaiah say when he found himself before God’s throne? (Verse 5)


  • Once Isaiah was assured that he had received forgiveness for his sin, enabling him to stand in God’s presence, what was the first thing he said after hearing God ask, “Who will go for Us?” (Verse 8b)


  1. What did Jeremiah ask the Lord to do for him as his “praise”? (Jeremiah 17:14a)


  1. (a) When Jesus was teaching at a certain house, what was present in the spiritual atmosphere there to heal the people – including various Pharisees and teachers of the law – who had gathered to hear Him? (Luke 5:17b)


(b) Does the text indicate that any of the Pharisees, teachers of the law, or other present were healed? (Verse 17)


(c) A paralyzed man on a bed was then lowered into the house through an opening in the roof by some men who had caried him there. What do the Scriptures give as the reason why this paralyzed man was forgiven and healed that day? (Luke 5:20a)


(d) How did the onlookers respond to this healing? (verse 26)



We need to have continuous experiences with God’s presence in order to be transformed into the image of Christ and to manifest His power. To have these experiences, we must discern that He is indeed present and not realize it? Yes, it is possible. Remember that it happened to Jacob. There are many reasons why this may happen, but, most often, it is because of our sins, such as bitterness, resentment, and a lack of forgiveness. Another reason is that we can become totally absorbed in our own problems, so that our spiritual perception is dulled or even completely turned off. We need to remain sensitive to how the Spirit of God is moving. That way, the next time we recognized His presence, we can respond in faith and worship.

In the presence of God, there is salvation, healing, deliverance, transformation, visions, dreams, prophecy, revelation, impartation, and activation. Let me define the last two terms. In the glory, God shares (or transmits) portions of His virtue, anointing, power, favour, grace, gifts, and so forth, with us. Whatever we receive from Him is an impartation. An impartation is something that we did not previously have; it was added to us. (See Romans 1:11.) For instance, after you have been in the glory, you may find that people are often healed when you pray for hem, when formerly this was not the case. Activation occurs when God “awakens” or “stirs up” gifts that He has already given to us but that lay buried within us – due to our fear, lack of knowledge, apathy, or another obstacle. (See 2 Timothy 1:6.) God may activate a dormant gift within anyone who enters His presence.

In the glory, we can hear God’s voice and become fired up to go and give to others what we have received. God’s purpose for manifesting His glory is to enable us to take it to a lost world – to people without God, faith, or hope. Our experiences in His presence must be carried to our workplaces, schools, and community organizations; they must be taken wherever we go: restaurants, department stores, supermarkets, and the streets. They must be shared with our entire circle of influence. God’s glory will give us the boldness we need to preach His Word, speak of Jesus, heal the sick, deliver the captives, and do miracles. Let us make the decision right now to take His glory to everyone around us, even to all the nations of the earth!

Prayer of Activation

Father of glory, You are the King eternal, immortal, and invisible! You alone are wise. Let honour and glory be Yours forever. We want to praise You until the spirit of worship comes and worship You until your glory descends. Open our eyes to recognize Your presence and Your glory as we respond to you in spirit and in truth. Then, impart to us Your salvation, healing, deliverance, revelation, transformation, and activation for service. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Action Steps

  • Psalm 24:4 says that “he who has clean hands and a pure heart” may stand in God’s presence. Before praising and worshipping God, confess your sins to Him and receive His forgiveness and cleansing.
  • Spend a good portion of your devotional time with God in worship. Begin by expressing gratitude for His faithfulness and for what He’s done in your life. Worship Him as your Lord and King, mentioning His attributes. Talk to Him as your heavenly Father, declaring your love for Him and telling Him of your willingness to obey whatever He tells you to do. Ask Him to enable you to discern the spiritual atmosphere of His presence, as He reaches out to you in healing, deliverance, and revelation for your life. Then, wait on Him, listening to hear what He wants to speak to you at that moment.

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