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Study 16 – Conditions, Rewards, and Benefits of the Glory

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)


A passion for God is foundational for experiencing His glory. Besides what we learned in the previous study, an essential way to develop this passion is to recognize and fulfil four spiritual conditions for receiving God’s rewards and benefits. These are the same conditions God required of the Israelites to receive His blessings, and the same conditions He places on us for His justice, revival, and glory to descend on our cities and nations. If we will meet these conditions, three wonderful rewards and benefits will take place as God establishes and expands His kingdom on earth. Let us now explore the conditions, rewards, and benefits of the glory.

Study Questions

Part I: Four Conditions for Receiving God’s Blessings

  1. What is the first condition God gave His people for receiving the blessings of His glory? (2 Chronicles 7:14a)


  1. Similarly, what did Jesus say is required if we are to enter the kingdom of heaven? (Matthew 18:3)


  1. What will God do if we humble ourselves in His sight? (James 4:10)


  1. What is the second condition God gave His people for receiving the blessings of His glory? Complete the following: 2 Chronicles 7:14a: “If My people…will humble themselves, and _____________….”
  2. What did God say He would do if His people returned to Him? (Zechariah 1:3)


  1. What do we need to assist us with our prayers? Complete the following: Zechariah 12:10: “And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem ________ ____________ _____ _____________ __________ ______________________.”
  2. How does the Holy Spirit help us to pray as we ought to? (Romans 8:26b, 27b)


  1. What did James say about the “effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man”? (James 5:16b)


  1. What is the third condition God gave His people for receiving the blessings of His glory? (2 Chronicles 7:14a)


  1. What did God say would happen if His people searched for Him with all their hearts? (Jeremiah 29:13)


  1. To review, what is the ultimate result of our search, which is equivalent to eternal life? (John 17:3b)


  1. What is the fourth condition God gave His people for receiving the blessings of His glory? (2 Chronicles 7:14a)


  1. (a) In what shall we be saved? (Isaiah 30:15a)


(b) What does godly sorrow produce? (2 Corinthians 7:10a)


What does worldly sorrow produce? (Verse 10b)


Paraphrase the practical instruction John the Baptist gave to the following groups to help them understand how to “bear fruits worthy of repentance” (Luke 3:8).

The people: (Luke 3:11)


The tax collectors: (Luke 3:13)


The soldiers: (Verse 14)


  1. (a) What did Jesus tell the believers at the church in Ephesus that they had left? (Revelation 2:4b)


(b) What did He tell them to do in order to remedy this situation? (Verse 5a)


Part II: Three Results of Seeking God

  1. What is God called in relation to those who diligently seek Him? Complete the following: Hebrews 11:6b: “He is _____ ____________________ of those who diligently seek Him.”
  2. What did God tell His people would be the first result if they met the conditions for receiving the blessings of His glory? (2 Chronicles 7:14b)


  1. (a) What reason did the psalmist give for loving the Lord? (Psalm 116:1)


(b) Why did he say he would call upon the Lord as long as he lived? (Verse 2)


  1. (a) What confidence can we have in God in relation to our prayers? (1 John 5:14)


(b) What do we know, based on the assurance that God hears us? (Verse 15)


  1. What did God tell His people would be the second result if they met the conditions for receiving the blessings of His glory? (2 Chronicles 7:14b)


  1. What assurance of forgiveness do the Scriptures give us, if we have confessed our sins to God? (1 John 1:9)


  1. How far from us has God removed our transgressions? (Psalm 103:12)


  1. What did God tell His people would be the third result if they met the conditions for receiving the blessings of His glory? (2 Chronicles 7:14b)


Reflections on “LAND”

“Land” in 2 Chronicles 7:14 represents one’s personal life, family, ministry, job or business, community, and nation. In each of these areas, there is a great need for human beings to have a personal encounter with God. People yearn for healing in their bodies and souls, but they also want financial and spiritual prosperity. God wants to heal our “land” and end the consequences of sin and separation from Him: confusion and lack of direction, frustration, depression, discord, injustice, drug addiction, the shedding of innocent blood, and much more. However, the healing will not take place until we humble ourselves, pray, seek His presence, and walk away from wickedness and ungodliness.

  1. What won’t those who seek the Lord lack? (Psalm 34:10b)


  1. List various ways in which God blessed David. (Psalm 103:3–5)


Part III: We Must Seek God’s Glory “Until…”

  1. (a) As we seek the Lord and turn from our wicked ways, what must we “sow” for ourselves, and what must we “break up”? (Hosea 10:12a)


(b) In what must we reap? (Verse 12a)


(c) What word in Hosea 10:12 (niv) indicates that seeking the Lord may take perseverance? Complete the following:

Verse 12b (NIV): “For it is time to seek the Lord ____________ he comes….”

(d) What will be the result when we sow righteousness and break up our fallow ground? (Verse 12b)


  1. Jesus encouraged us to go to God in three ways, each one with a specific result. Record His instructions below. (Matthew 7:7)


  1. In what manner did King Hezekiah seek God, so that his prosperity was the result? (2 Chronicles 31:21b)


Reflections on Prosperity

The word “prospered” in 2 Chronicles 31:21 is translated from the Hebrew word tsalach, and among its meanings are “to advance,” “to make progress,” “to succeed,” or “to be profitable.” Prosperity is always connected to seeking God’s presence because prosperity is more than financial stability—that is only a very small part of it. Prosperity goes hand in hand with being able to do the will of God, having life in our spirits, and enjoying health in body and soul. When we passionately seek the glory, or the manifest presence of God, He releases His favour and grace upon us, which leads to the provision of all our needs. Furthermore, we are equipped to carry the same blessings to our circle of influence.

  1. What will happen if we don’t grow weary and lose heart while doing good? (Galatians 6:9)


If we have yet to experience a breakthrough in an area where we need one, it could be that we lack hunger and thirst for God.


It is time to pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, for revival, and for the manifestation of the glory of God, so that our lives, families, ministries, cities, and nations can be transformed. God is seeking people who are committed to make themselves available to Him as vessels through which He heals and delivers.

In my experience, people who truly seek God do not lack anything. God is faithful to keep His Word. We should continue to work and to care for our families, but let us seek God first, because He is our true Provider. We may experience moments in which things do not work out the way we want them to—in our finances, our health, or other life circumstances—but these situations are only temporary. In the end, God will work all things out in our favour. (See Romans 8:28.)  We can seek God in various ways, including through worship, fasting, and prayer. Prayer with a sense of desperation and urgency must be made until God shows His mercy. What is God waiting for? He waits for you and me to cry out in utter dependency, like a drowning man, “Help me!” God is waiting for His people to come to this point. Seek His face until His glory—His presence—manifests!

Prayer of Activation

Father of glory, pour out Your Spirit of grace and supplication upon us. We desire to fully humble ourselves, seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways, bearing fruit worthy of true repentance. Hear our prayer, forgive our sin, and heal our land—our nations and all aspects of our lives. Rain Your righteousness on us, for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Action Steps

Humble yourself: Confess any known sins to the Lord and ask Him to cleanse you of underlying attitudes and thoughts that do not honour Him, which you may not be aware of.

Pray: Pray with your understanding and pray in the Spirit (see 1 Corinthians 14:15) for yourself, your family, your community, your nation, and the world, asking that God’s kingdom would come and His will would be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Seek God’s face: Spend time in the presence of God with no other purpose but to praise and worship Him and deepen your love for Him. Read His Word with a renewed commitment to conforming to the image of Christ.

Turn from your wicked ways: Begin anew to obey and serve God wholeheartedly, setting aside the things that would keep you from loving and following Him as you should.