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This statement explains how Church Of His Presence (COHP) use of the personally identifiable information that you
provide and that we collect or hold, including when you continue to browse and use this website

Where in this statement we refer to ‘we’ or ‘our’ or ‘us’ we are referring to Church of His Presence, also known as the
Peace Movement and where we refer to ‘you’ or ‘your’ we are referring to the members of the church and members
of the public.

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold.
Church of His Presence understands its obligations to you to help you understand how and why we process your
personal data.

Data protection

This policy explains how The Peace Movement and complies with the General Data
Protection Regulation(GDPR), which comes into effect on 25 May 2018, and the Privacy and Electronic
Communications Regulations. We may update this policy following the UK’s exit from the European Union.

What kind of data we collect

We collect:
Financial information
Residential address
Email address
Date of Birth
Social Media ID
Contact details
CCTV data
Video recordings

How we collect information about you

We collect personal information each time you are in contact with us. For example, when you:
1. Register yours and or other individual’s details at
2. Make a donation, by completion of Gift envelopes, via our website or electronic means
3. Register for a conference or other Church event such as training.
4. Provide your contact details, in writing or orally, to Church staff or volunteers
5. Purchase goods or services, including when you provide credit or debit card details.

How we use your information

The Peace Movement will use the personal information we collect for the purpose disclosed at the time of collection,
or otherwise as set out in this Privacy Policy. We will not use your personal information for any other purpose without
first seeking your consent, unless authorised or required by law. Generally, we will only use and disclose your personal
information as follows:

  1. To keep you informed by text and/or email about church services, activities, resources and conferences
  2. To provide pastoral care to the church members
  3. To administer membership records
  4. To establish and maintain your involvement with The Peace Movement. This includes but is not limited to the events you have attended, what areas and activities of The Peace Movement you have supported.
  5. To fundraise and promote the interests of the charity
  6. To process gift aid applications
  7. To process any purchase or selling of goods in the shop
  8. To answer an enquiry or request for further information or complaint about The Peace Movement, its services,
  9. activities and events
  10. To register you for events, conferences
  11. To assist The Peace Movement in in making its sites, services and products more valuable to its community
  12. For promotion of products or services and to keep you informed of new developments we believe may be of interest to you.
  13. To improve our general ability to assist Church attendees and the wider community
  14. To assist The Peace Movement and Senior Management with management of issues relating to The Peace Movement and subsequently, COHP.
  15. To celebrate special events such as birthdays and child dedication
  16. Use of CCTV systems for the prevention of crime


Sharing your data with others

Relevant data may be shared with:

  • Any member who is your next of kin with your consent or during an emergency
  • Our Accountants for accounting, auditing and gift aid purposes
  • Paypal for processing card payments for donations and purchases online
  • Worldpay for processing card payments for donations and purchases in the church building
  • Text local for sending text messages
  • Mailchimp for sending communications
  • Otherwise we do not share data with any third party except as required by law.


The Peace Movement will take reasonable steps to keep any personal information which we hold secure, accurate
and up to date. Personal information, held electronically, is stored in a secure server or secure files.
We take security measures to protect your information from access by unauthorised persons and against unlawful
processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage.


How long do we keep data for?

We keep financial data for a maximum of 6 years as is required by law.
Any other personal data is kept for a period of 6 years after ceasing to be a member of the Church of His Presence.
Non-Member data will be kept for no longer than reasonably necessary and we only retain your data to contact you
for non-weekly and weekly events if you have consented to us doing so.
CCTV data is kept for 3 months which after will be deleted (unless required by law)

Lawful basis for processing

Consent: We are required to obtain consent to keep you informed by text and/or email about church services,
activities, resources and conferences; to establish and maintain your involvement with The Peace Movement. This
includes but is not limited to the events you have attended, what areas and activities of The Peace Movement you
have supported; To record and acknowledge donations and to provide the products requested; To register you for
events, conferences; For promotion of products or services and to keep you informed of new developments we
believe may be of interest to you; To send celebratory cards and for child dedication; To assist The Peace Movement
in in making its sites, services and products more valuable to its community; To improve our general ability to assist
Church attendees and the wider community and To answer an enquiry or request for further information or complaint
about The Peace Movement, its services, activities and events and to assist The Peace Movement and Senior
Management with management of issues relating to The Peace Movement and subsequently, COHP.
Contract: We may process your financial information to fulfil our contractual obligations to you when purchasing any
of our products from the Church Shop.
Legitimate Interest: We may process your personal data for gift aid purposes
Legal Obligations: We may process your data if it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.

Keeping details up to date

Please tell us as soon as any of your contact details change so that we can keep our records up to date.
You can change the way we contact you, or the kind of material we send you, at any time by contacting us by mail or
by emailing using the contact details above or your contract preferences in your COHP website account.
You can unsubscribe from our regular emails or texts at any time by using the ‘unsubscribe’ or ‘change preferences’
links on the email or texts you have received.
If you register with, you should personally log-on and update your contact details.

Cookies policy

Cookies are small amounts of information that we store on your computer. Unless you have indicated your objection
when disclosing your details to us, our system will issue cookies to your computer when you log on to Cookies make it easier for you to log on to and use the site during future visits.
They also help to monitor website traffic and personalise the content of the site for you but will not store, save or
collect personal information. You may set up your computer to reject cookies although, in that case, you may not be
able to use certain features on our site.

Your rights

You have the following rights:
To be informed: This Privacy Notice provides the information you are entitled to receive

Access: Please contact us if you would like confirmation that your data is being processed and access to your
personal data. There is no charge for us providing you with this data and it will usually be provided within a month of
the request (unless the request is unfounded or excessive). We may ask you to verify your identity or ask for more
information about your request and where legally permitted to do so, we may decline your request but we will
explain why if we do so.
Rectification: Please inform us of any data which you would like rectified and we will usually respond within a
month of the request. We will pass on the changes to any third parties who need to change their records and let you
know this has been done.
Erasure: You may exercise your right to have your personal data erased in a number of circumstances (eg if the data
is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which it was created, or you withdraw your consent). Where
possible we will comply with all such requests. We will respond to your request within 30 days (although we may be
allowed to extend this period in certain cases) and will only reject if certain conditions apply. If we do agree to your
request, we will delete your data and generally assume that you would prefer us to keep a note of your name on our
register of individuals who prefer not to be contacted. That way, we will minimise the chances of you being
contacted in the future where your data are collected in unconnected circumstances. If you would prefer us not to
do this, you are free to say so.
Restrict processing: You can tell us that we can keep your data but must stop processing it, including preventing
future mailings and communications. If possible, we will inform any third parties to whom your data has been
disclosed of your requirement.
Data portability: Your data is across manual records and a bespoke Access database. We will do our best to provide
information in a portable format, but it is unlikely that we can create systems to do so. This is only applicable where
data has been processed for the performance of contract or consent and it has been processed using automated
To object: If we can, we will stop processing your data if you object to processing based on legitimate interests or
the performance of a task in the public interest / exercise of official authority (including profiling). We will stop
processing your data for direct marketing if you tell us to. We will stop processing your data if you object to
processing for purposes of research and statistics. We will respond to your request within 30 days (although we may
be allowed to extend if certain limited conditions apply).
Not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling: We do not use any automated decision-making
neither do we do any automated profiling.
We reserve the right to judge what information we must continue to hold to be able to fulfil our contract with you.


Further information

The controller for your personal data is the Peace Movement who can be contacted via
[email protected] or COHP, Queensgate Centre, Orsett Road, Grays, Essex RM17 5DF
Our Data Protection Team is responsible for monitoring compliance with relevant legislation in relation to the
protection of personal data. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any concerns or
questions about the above information or you wish to ask us not to process your personal data for particular
purposes or to erase your data. Where you have specific requests relating to how we manage your data, we will
endeavour to resolve these, but please note that there may be circumstances where we cannot comply with specific

We will publish on our website any changes we make to this data protection statement and notify you by other
communication channels where appropriate.
You can contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or via email
or at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF.

Changes to this policy

The Peace Movement may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure compliance with changes or
amendments to UK law. Any amended version will be available on our website
at We suggest that you visit our website regularly to keep up to
date with any changes.