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Study 21 – Demonstrations of Kingdom Power Here and Now II

“And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.”  (1 Corinthians 2:4)

Continued Fron Last Week…


Study Questions  

Part III: Purposes of Demonstrating God’s Kingdom Here and Now

Let us now turn to the purpose of demonstrating God’s Kingdom, to make sure we understand the main reasons why He desires to manifest His eternal realm on earth and why it is essential for us to seek first His kingdom. (See Matthew 6:33.)

  • Purpose #1: So Our Faith Will Be Founded on the Power of God
  1. How did Paul say he presented his speech and preaching to the Corinthians as he announced the gospel to them, so that their faith would not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God? Complete the following:

1 Corinthians 2:4: “And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but ________ _________________________________ ___________ _______________ _______________ _________ ________ ____________________…”

We can demonstrate God only when we have experienced Him.

  • Purpose #2: To Establish a Kingdom Context for God’s Power
  1. (a) The power of God always comes with the purpose of building and expanding His kingdom. Recall what Jesus spoke of to His followers, after His resurrection but before His ascension, to prepare them for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. (Acts 1:3b)


(b) What did Jesus tell His followers that they should “tarry,” or wait, to receive? (Luke 24:49)


(c) Recall what Kingdom purpose resulted from their receiving this thing, as Peter boldly proclaimed the gospel. (Acts 2:41)


(d) Recall what miracle occurred shortly thereafter as a further demonstration that the kingdom of God was present among them. (Acts 3:1-8)


Receiving “Pentecost” without power is merely one more Christian experience.

  • Purpose #3: To Restore People and Things to God’s Original Design, thus Reestablishing Spiritual Order
  1. (a) What was wrong with the woman whom Jesus saw in the synagogue, and with what symptoms did her problem manifest? (Luke 13:11)


(b) How long had the woman suffered from this problem? (Verse 11)


(c) Who had “bound” This woman for so long – an example of his usurping the “territory” of a person’s life in order to establish his kingdom of darkness there? (Verse 16)


(d) When Jesus healed this woman, what did He say was His reason for doing so, indicating that He was restoring God’s kingdom to a woman of faith? Complete the following:

Luke 13:16: “So ought not this woman, ______________ __________

________________________ ________ __________________, whom Satan has bound; think of it; for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?

  • Purpose #4: To Establish Kingdom Structure

The structure with which the Holy Spirit establishes and builds the kingdom is the structure of relationships. It is not rules, traditions, or statutes – founded on human ideas and purposes – established by denominations or churches whose supreme goal is to elevate order. If a structure is rigid, it will lead to extremes that prevent the Holy Spirit from moving. At that point, God will withdraw His presence, and the only thing left will be formality. Every kingdom manifestation must be demonstrated within a structure of relational order and purpose.

  1. (a) What did Jesus pray that describes His relationship and oneness with the Father?

Complete the following:

John 17:21: “… that they all may be one, as _________, _______________________, ____________ ________ __________, _____________ ________ _________ ___________.”

(b) What did Jesus tell His disciples would result if they remained in unbroken relationship with Him by abiding in Him and having His words abide in them? (John 15:7b)


(c) Before He returned to heaven, Jesus told His disciples that He would send them a “Helper” (John 15:26; 16:7) – the Holy Spirit. While the Spirit used to be “with” them, where would He dwell after He was sent to them? (John 14:17b)


  1. (a) What did Jesus pray to the Father for all believers? Complete the following:

John 17:23: “I in them, and You in Me; _____________ ____________ ________________ ___________ ______________ ___________________ _________ _______________, and _______________ ____________ _________________ _________________ ___________

______________ _____________ ____________ ___________ __________, and have loved them as You have loved Me.”

(b) How did Paul describe the oneness that believers share in Christ through the Holy Spirit? (1 Corinthians 12:13)


(c) What did Paul say about believers’ diverse gifts and different ministries? (Verse 4-5)


(d) Having harmonious, mutually beneficial relationships in the church is essential because we believers will inevitably influence one another, and we need the kingdom structure of relationships to enable us to achieve spiritual growth. As one illustration of these realities, how should older women in the church act, and what should they do, according to the apostle Paul? (Titus 2:3-4)


When Jesus ministered on earth, He taught and established a flexible structure for the kingdom based on relationships.

  • Purpose #5: To Confront and Bind Satan and His Demons
  1. (a) What authority did Jesus give to His disciples? Complete the following:

Luke 10:19: “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and ________________ _________ ___________ ______________ ________ _____________ _________________, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

(b) What did Jesus say about the “gates if Hades,” or the forces of darkness, in relation to the church? (Matthew 16:18b)


  • Purpose #6: To Bring Judgement and Mercy
  1. (a) Demonstrations of God’s kingdom can bring either judgement or mercy. As people variously reject them or accept them. For example, when Moses delivered the Israelites from slavery, the manifestations of God’s power brought judgement on Egypt and mercy to Israel – destruction for one and freedom for the other. Similarly, what is the fragrance of Christ like for those who are perishing (2 Corinthians 2:15-16a)


(b) What is the fragrance of Christ like for those who are being saved? (Verse 16b)


(c) What did the author of Lamentations say to illustrate how often God extends His “mercies” and “compassions” (Lamentation 3:22) to His people> (Verse 23a)


  • Purpose #7: To Confirm That We Are Legitimate Witness of Christ
  1. Recall the statement that Jesus made about the works that those who believed in Him would do. (John 14:12)


  • Purpose #8: To Establish Kingdom Expansion by Spiritual Force
  1. God’s kingdom cannot be established without forceful demonstrations of His power. As we have seen, such power is necessary to uproot and cast out the kingdom of darkness from a person or a place. What statement did Jesus make about the kingdom of heaven in this regard? (Matthew 11:12b)



We must present the gospel with supernatural proofs demonstrating that Jesus lives and that His resurrection power is for today! Most people are not interested in us, our great knowledge, or the nice words we speak. They are interested in the bottom line: Do our words lead to supernatural works? Does our knowledge lead to an experience with God? Does our revelation produce a manifestation of His power? Does our theology bring healing to the sick, deliverance to the oppressed, prosperity to the poor, and repentance to the sinner? Does our testimony transform lives? We must live – and, just as important, we must disciple other Christians – on the basis of the revelation of God’s Word combined with demonstrations that support its teaching.

Jesus’ disciples were common people who did extraordinary deed by the power of God. The coming of the Holy Spirit was not just a historic event in the first century. It can take place in the here and now, if we have the faith to receive it. God is looking for common people who believe in His Word and act upon it – whose minds are open to the reality of His power and glory and can bring these facets of His dominion from the invisible realm to the here and now!

Prayer of Activation

Dear Jesus, we are willing and available to go and demonstrate Your kingdom here and now. We ask You to give us Your supernatural grace to take risks and be bold in order to manifest Your power and glory. We ask Your Holy Spirit to come upon us and empower us now to do the works of the kingdom. Lord Jesus, by faith, wherever we go – to our schools, to our jobs, to restaurants, to sporting events, to malls, on vacation trips, or anywhere else – we will pray for the sick, the oppressed, and the captives, and we will deliver them in Your name. those who haven’t received salvation or the baptism in the Holy Spirit will receive it by Your power! W submit our wills and our hearts to You right now. In Your name, amen.

Prayer of Activation

  • A believer who has a kingdom mentality is one who obeys the voice if God, putting into practise the spiritual truths he learns. What truths about the kingdom have you learned but not out into practise? Write down two or three kingdom truths that you haven’t yet acted on and begin to obey them by faith right now. Keep a record of what happens as you follow through in obedience.
  • The more we respond in faith to the revelation God gives us, thereby experiencing His presence and power, the more we will grow in our ability to testify with manifestations of the kingdom to support our words, so that we can be credible witnesses of Jesus Christ. When we release the same power through which we have been saved, delivered, and healing to others. To do this, start at the beginning, with your salvation. Tell people what happened to you the day you were born again. Next, tell them how you have changed since that da. No one else can communicate your testimony like you. Only you can speak with absolute certainty about how you have been transformed. As you testify, the power of God will manifest, because you will be a legitimate witness. Share your testimony today. Then, as you receive other demonstrations of God’s power in your life, share those with others as well, so that people can be transformed, healed, and delivered!



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