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He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.”  —John 14:12


The church was birthed in the supernatural, through Jesus’ resurrection and the power of the Holy Spirit poured out at Pentecost. Miracles, signs, and wonders established and verified the church’s teaching and doctrine. Christians in the New Testament lived a supernatural lifestyle, and the power of the kingdom caused the early church to multiply. Today, the church seems to have lost its life and power, but God has begun to restore the supernatural to individual believers, churches, and ministries who have opened their hearts to receive it. His desire is to fill His entire church with His presence and power.

The gospel of the kingdom is supernatural because it brings heaven to earth. If we are to proclaim this gospel in its fullness, as we discussed in the previous study, we must understand the supernatural, so we may recognize it and walk in it.

Study Questions

Part I: Principles of the Supernatural

  • Principle #1: The Supernatural Is the Nature of God Himself
  1. (a) To review, what is God’s essential nature? (John 4:24a)


(b) God doesn’t depend on the natural realm of time, space, and matter in order to exist, nor does He need anyone or anything else to sustain Him. He has life in and of Himself, and He is the Creator of all things. What did God say when He revealed Himself to Moses, a statement by which we can understand that He lives in the eternal “now”? (Exodus 3:14a)


(c) What are some other ways that God describes Himself? Complete the following:

Revelation 1:8: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, _______ _________________ ________ ______ __________,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, _______ _____________________.”

KEY DEFINITION: The Greek word translated as “Almighty” in Revelation 1:8 is pantokrator, which means “the all-ruling, that is, God as absolute and universal sovereign” (STRONG, G3841), “almighty” (NASC, G3841), or “ruler of all” (VINE, G3841).

(d) Some believers treat God the Father as if He has the same mind-set and finite abilities as fallen human beings. What are some statements that the Scriptures make about this perspective? (Numbers 23:19)


The supernatural, or spiritual, is the form in which God exists.

KEY DEFINITIONSupernatural is derived from the prefix super-, which means “over” or “above,” and the noun nature. Therefore, to live in the supernatural means to live above, beyond, or outside of the natural realm. Although the word supernatural doesn’t appear in the Bible, the concept is demonstrated throughout the Scriptures in the miracles, signs, and wonders that God enacted, which reflect who He is and what He is able to do. Biblical terms and phrases such as “spiritual,” “kingdom of heaven,” “kingdom of God,” “not of this world,” and “omnipotent” all refer to our supernatural God and His supernatural realm.

  • Principle #2: The Supernatural Rules Over the Natural
  1. (a) What did Paul write about the omnipotence of Jesus Christ, through whom, and for whom, all things were created, “things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible”(Colossians 1:16 NIV)? (Verse 17 NIV)


(b) By what does God the Son (Jesus Christ) uphold all things? (Hebrews 1:3a)


The supernatural is the impact and influence of the spiritual world on the physical creation, and its interaction with the same.

  1. (a) Name some ways in which God rules over the natural world, as well as influences and interacts with people. (Daniel 2:21–22a)


(b) What did Paul tell the Athenians that God grants us? (Acts 17:25b)


(c) What has God determined for the nations of the world? (Verse 26b)


(d) For what reason has He done the above? (Acts 17:27 NIV)


  • Principle #3: The Supernatural Is Reality, Not Idolatry, Magic, or Superstition
  1. What did Paul tell the Athenians that God’s nature should not be compared to? (Acts 17:29b)


  1. (a) Read Acts 8:5–24. At what was Simon, the former sorcerer, amazed? (Verse 13b)


(b) When Simon saw that the Holy Spirit was given to believers through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, what did he do and say? (Verses 18b–19)


(c) Why did Peter denounce Simon’s request? (Verse 20b)


(d) What did Peter perceive was the reason Simon had a false and sinful attitude toward God’s supernatural power? (Verse 23)


The supernatural is truth revealed in the physical dimension. If the truth is removed, God is, in essence, also removed, leaving only an illusion.

  • Principle #4: The Supernatural Is Without Limitation
  1. To what degree did God give the Holy Spirit to Jesus—the same degree that is available to believers through Him? (John 3:34b NIV)


  1. How long will God’s reign last? (Revelation 11:15b)


God’s miracles supersede natural facts, reason, logic, and time.

  • Principle #5: The Supernatural Will Increasingly Manifest on the Earth
  1. (a) What did Jesus say He would do for the person who loved Him and demonstrated that love by keeping His commandments? Complete the following:

John 14:21b: “I will ______________ ____________ and __________________ ____________________ _____ ____________.”

(b) What did Jesus say we would do as a result of believing in Him? (John 14:12)


Where Jesus’ ministry on earth ended, the church’s life and ministry began.

  1. (a) How did Peter describe the supernatural manifestations associated with the last days when he quoted an Old Testament prophecy given through Joel? (Acts 2:18–20)


(b) How are we to respond to supernatural signs of the end times? (Mark 13:7a)


… To be continued next week.

Prayer of Activation

Heavenly Father, Your Son Jesus pioneered the restoration of the supernatural on earth. We ask You now to activate us, as the members of His body, to be the pioneers who will continue His supernatural ministry in this world. Empower us to conquer impossibilities—to do the “greater works” that Jesus said we would do because He was returning to You, Father. Do signs and wonders through us as evidence of Your existence, and as revelations of Your presence and power in the here and now, so that multitudes of men and women will be added to Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen!

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