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Study 9 – A Revelation of The Resurrection for The Kingdom Here and Now III

“That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection…” (Philippians 3:10)

From Last Week:


Often, when we hear the message of Christ’s resurrection preached in churches, it is presented solely from a historical point of view without revelation. Consequently, we do not often witness God’s power manifesting among His people. A revelation of the living Christ distinguishes between those who believe in the resurrection for the here and now – the eternal present – and those who believe in it as a historic event. The former are activated and receive Jesus’ supernatural power for advancing His kingdom.

Part II: How to walk in Power of the Resurrection

  • Principle #1: Die to the “Old Man” – the Flesh, or the Carnal Self
  1. (a) What did Jesus say about those who desire to follow him? (Luke 9:23b)


(b) When Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane, what did He pray, expressing His total submission to God the Father? Complete the following:

Mathew 26:39b: “Nevertheless, __________________ ____________ ____________ ____________________, ______________ _________ ________________ _________________,”

(c) How do we avoid fulfilling the lust of flesh? (Galatians 5:16a)



Jesus said, “He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” (John 12:25). The Greek word translated “life” in the first two instances in this verse is psuche, which means “the soul” (NASC, G5590), or indicates “the seat of personality.” The soul consists of the mind, will, and emotions; it is the centre of our feelings, desires, affections, and preferences. I believe that Christ was basically saying that if we love our psuche – what we think, feel, and want – without pursuing what God wants, we will die spiritually. But if we hate our lives, in the sense of turning away from “the spirit of the world” (1 Corinthians 2:12), we will receive eternal life. We cannot lead selfish lives and the life of the resurrection at the same time; it is impossible for us to manifest both at once. One must die for the other to live. We must die to the old life to make way for our new life in Christ.

We will live to the degree that we are willing to die.

  • Principle #2 : Live by the Faith of Christ Within You, Here and Now
  1. (a) When we have been “crucified with Christ,” who lives in us? (Galatians 2:20a)


(b) How do we now live our lives “in the flesh”? (Verse 20b)


(c) Since we have been spiritually raised with Christ, what are we to seek? (Colossians 3:1)


(d) What are we to set our minds on, and what aren’t we to set our minds on? (Verse 2)


Christ ‘s faith dwelling in us is the resurrection life.

  • Principle #3: Receive Your Inheritance of the Resurrection by Faith.
  1. What are some spiritual truths the apostle Paul particularly wanted the Ephesian believers to know? (Ephesian 1:18b)


If the revelation of the resurrection is absent, there will be no supernatural power in the church.

  • Principle #4: Know Christ in the Power of His Resurrection
  1. (a) What is another spiritual truth Paul wanted the Ephesians to know? (Ephesians 1:19a)


(b)  What did Jesus say about Himself? (John 11:25a)


(c) What was one of Christ’s mandates for His disciples? Complete the following:

Matthew 10:8: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, ________________ ____________ ___________________ ….”

KEY DEFINITION: Paul wrote, “That I may know [Christ] and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death” (Philippians 3:10). The Greek word translated “know” in this verse is ginosko, which means “to come to know, recognize, perceive” (NASC, G1097). These definitions indicate “to experience.”

The resurrection life that flows through us is supernatural by nature and origin. Miracles, signs, wonders, and the raising of the dead should be the norm for us.

  • Principle #5: Recognize and Understand God’s Sovereignty
  1. What is in God’s hand? (Job 12:10b)


  • Principle #6: Receive a Rhema, or a Revealed “Now” Word, from the Holy Spirit
  1. (a) What did Jesus say to the people mourning a young girl who had died, based on revelation knowledge He had received from God?


(b) The crowd of mourners ridiculed Jesus for what He had said, because they knew the girl was dead. Yet, based on the knowledge He had received, what did Jesus do, and what was the result? (Verse 54-55a)


(c) What revelation knowledge did Jesus receive regarding the outcome of Lazarus’ sickness (and subsequence death), as well as its purpose? (John 11:4)



Christ’s resurrection proves His deity, His lordship, and His kingdom. Satan is terrified of the testimony of the resurrection because he knows it has the power to overturn the kingdom of darkness. Jesus conquered sin, death, hell, the devil and his demons, sickness, the old nature and the flesh, the world, fear, poverty, vengeance, rejection, curses, and much more. Everything Jesus Christ defeated is now subject to His dominion – it is a conquered enemy.

Through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, we are forgiven; through His resurrection, we begin to operate in His power. The message of the cross and the message of the resurrection must always be proclaimed together. Praise God that Jesus rose from the dead and defeated Satan, taking from him all power and authority.

I encourage you today to take authority and dominion through Christ over every enemy that was conquered by His resurrection. Cast out demons, heal the sick, and raise the dead. Raising the dead is an amazing miracle and sign. Jesus did it, the apostles did it, I have done it, others whom I have taught and trained have done it, and you can do it, too! Release the power of His resurrection!

Prayers of Activation

Holy Spirit, You are the Administrator and Executor of the power of Christ’s resurrection. We ask You to enlighten our understanding with the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so we can know the power of the resurrection, so we can know the power of the resurrection, apply it to our lives, and release it others who are in need.

Let Jesus’ resurrection life and faith flow through us today. We acknowledge that the power of the resurrection is available and active wherever we go. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Nothing is impossible for us, as nothing is impossible for God. We are an extension of the resurrected Christ on earth in order to advance His kingdom. He lives, and we live according to His life and faith. In the name of Jesus.

Action Steps

  • As you have just prayed, receive the revelation by the Holy Spirit right now of the power of Christ’s resurrection and start living according to it.
  • We must die to the “carnal self” each day. This is lifelong process. Start today by renouncing any part of your lifestyle that is not yielded to God, and pray to your heavenly Father, “Lord, not my will but yours be done.”
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to give you an experience of Christ’s resurrection power in every aspect, so that you will know the power of Christ as dominion (territorial power), anointing (the power to serve), faith (the power to do miracles), rule (the power of God in the realm of authority), perseverance (the power for character transformation), strength (the power for spiritual warfare), and prosperity (the power to gain wealth).

As you receive revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit regarding various circumstances, and as you act on that revelation in faith, exhibit the proof of Jesus’ resurrection through miracles, signs, wonders, and the raising of the dead. Be willing to suffer persecution for proclaiming the complete message of the kingdom, the cross, and Christ’s resurrection as you release His supernatural power on the earth.

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