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Study 8 – From Foundational Doctrine To Revelation II

“For in [the gospel of Christ] the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith.” (Romans 1:17)

We require God’s wisdom and knowledge for contemporary problems and needs whose solutions may not be spelled out exactly in Scripture. This takes fresh revelation from God, which must be sought in faithfulness, with pure motivations, and according to biblical guidelines. For these cases, especially, we can see the necessity of first establishing a foundation of sound doctrine through which our spiritual senses may be “exercised to discern both good and evil” (Hebrews 5:14). In the next few questions, we will examine how the early Christians handled some of their contemporary problems and needs, including solving disputes and controversies according to God’s will and seeking where God wanted them to minister at a particular time.

Part III: Go “from Faith to Faith”
As we mature in our faith, we can move more confidently from foundational doctrine to the “now” revelation of God, or His revelation for us today. Only when we can discern good from evil, and what is genuine from what is false, can we truly participate in the present moves of God. Revelation occurs in conjunction with manifestation, and it also leads to further manifestation. When God is revealed, some aspect of His nature or power will manifest.
11. How is the righteousness of God revealed? Complete the following:
Romans 1:17a: “For in [the gospel of Christ] the righteousness of God is revealed ___________ ____________ _____ __________.”
12.Faith always leads to some action—repentance, confession, worship, physical ministry to those who are suffering, healings, and so forth. What statement did James make to sum up the idea that belief in God’s Word cannot remain theory but must be acted on? (James 2:26)

It is easy to preach or teach something we do not have to demonstrate or prove.

13. When God entrusts His Word and His will to us, we become responsible for it as “faithful and wise steward[s]” (Luke 12:42). In relation to this, what must we keep in mind? Complete the following:
Luke 12:48b: “For everyone to whom much is given, from him ______________ __________ _____ __________________; and to whom much has been committed,_______ ___________ _____________ _________ __________ ________ ____________.”
14. The kingdom of God is demonstrated not by words but in what? (1 Corinthians 4:20)
15.In what way did the Lord Jesus confirm the disciples’ preaching after He ascended to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God? (Mark 16:20b)

Miracles predispose the hearts of people to believe that God exists.

16.What did the apostles perform among the people as they ministered the gospel to them? (Acts 5:12a)
17.What manifestations occurred when Philip preached Christ to the Samaritans? (Acts 8:7)

Reflections on Supernatural Manifestations
When God is revealed, some invisible aspect of Him will manifest or make itself known to the human senses, causing great impact and transformation. Manifestations are signs; they are not doctrines. When evaluating a manifestation, we need to determine if God is taking the initiative and doing the work. We will know this is the case if the work is consistent with His nature and character and if it produces the same in the people involved. We need to ask questions such as these: “Does the manifestation go against the Scriptures?” “Did the experience promote a love for God in the person who experienced it?” “Do I have peace about this situation?” “Do I sense the confirmation of the Holy Spirit?” God wants to lead us into newer, deeper, and more extensive territories in Him, and only if we have a solid base from which to expand can we ensure the continued stability of our faith.

18.What reason did Paul give the Corinthians for why his speech and preaching to them “were not done with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (1 Corinthians 2:4)? (Verse 5)

19.In the previous study, we focused on four of the nine gifts of the Spirit that are specifically related to revelation—the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, prophecy, and the interpretation of tongues. What are the remaining five gifts, which God gives to the church to enable its members to receive and minister various aspects of His power? (1 Corinthians 12:9–10)

Where genuine revelation from God exists, there must be visible manifestations that confirm its divine origin.

20. (a) Agabus was a Christian from Jerusalem who had the ministry gift of prophecy. What forthcoming crisis did the Holy Spirit reveal to him when he went to Antioch, so that the believers could be aware of it ahead of time? (Acts 11:28)
(b) What did the disciples do in response to this news? (Verses 29–30)
21. (a) What did the Holy Spirit subsequently instruct the prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch to do? (Acts 13:2b)
(b) What had the prophets and teachers been doing when they received this revelation of direction? (Verse 2a)

Reflections on Prophecy
To prophesy is to speak from the perspective of God, and the source of that perspective is the Holy Spirit, who reveals what is in the mind or heart of the Father. (See 1 Corinthians 2:10.) True prophecy will always provide “edification and exhortation and comfort” (1 Corinthians 14:3) in order to lead people to see what God sees and to walk in a reality that is superior to the natural.

22. (a) The apostles and elders in Jerusalem wrote to the Gentile converts to delineate what aspects of the Jewish law these Gentiles would be required to follow as believers in Jesus. What phrase did they use to explain how they had arrived at their answer to this controversial issue? (Acts 15:28a)
(b) What did Paul say had prompted him to go to the church in Jerusalem to discuss this issue concerning the Gentile believers with the apostles and elders? Complete the following:
Galatians 2:2a: “And I went up ______ ______________________.”
(c) With whom in the church did Paul consult privately, to affirm the validity of the gospel message that he had been preaching among the Gentiles? (Galatians 2:2b)
23. (a) Why didn’t Paul, Silas, and Timothy go to Asia to preach the Word? (Acts 16:6)
(b) Why didn’t they go into Bithynia? (Verse 7)
(c) Following these prohibitions, Paul received a vision in the night. How did Luke, the author of the book of Acts, describe this vision? (Acts 16:9b)
(d) After Paul received the vision, what did Paul, Silas, and Timothy conclude, and what did they do? (Verse 10)

Part V: Discern False Teachings and Manifestations
24. (a) When a prophecy is given among a body of believers, what biblical instructions do we have for determining whether that prophecy is from God? (1 Corinthians 14:29; 1 John 4:1)
(b) What are the spirits of the prophets subject to? (1 Corinthians 14:32)
(c) What aspect of the nature of God does this approach correspond to? Complete the following:
Verse 33a: “For God is not the author of confusion but of _______________….”
(d) What statement sums up the way we are to conduct ourselves in the use of spiritual gifts? (1 Corinthians 14:40)
25. (a) After we have “tested all things” in regard to prophecies and other revelation, what are we to do? (1 Thessalonians 5:21b)
(b) What caution have we been given, reminding us not to hinder the Lord’s work by undue apprehension over spiritual gifts or excessive “testing”? (Verse 19)
(c) What are we to earnestly desire? (1 Corinthians 14:39a)

(d) What are we not to forbid? (Verse 39b)
26. (a) What supernatural manifestation did the devil tempt Jesus to effect to “prove” His identity as God’s Son? (Matthew 4:3)
(b) How did Jesus respond to the devil in resisting this temptation? (Verse 4)

Every time we use our gifts or anointing to exalt our egos, to prove how “spiritual” we are, to seek gain, or to obtain a position, we are commercializing the anointing.

27. What word recurs in the following Scriptures, indicating one of Jesus’ primary motivations for helping people and performing healing and miracles on their behalf? (Matthew 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; 20:34)
28. Paul talked about those who preached Christ from “envy and strife,” as well as others who did so out of “good will” (Philippians 1:15). What incentive did each of these groups have? Complete the following:
Philippians 1:16–17a: “The former preach Christ from ________________ _____________________…but the latter out of ______________….”
29. (a) What did Simon, the former sorcerer, offer to Peter and John because he wanted to have the power of bestowing the Holy Spirit on people? (Acts 8:18b)
(b) What did Peter discern were the underlying reasons for Simon’s erroneous request, which caused Simon to think the gift of the Holy Spirit could be obtained in this way? (Verse 23)
30. (a) What is a prerequisite for having the ability to recognize whether a teaching or doctrine comes from God or from man—the same prerequisite Jesus gave the religious leaders who inquired about His doctrine? Complete the following:
John 7:17a: “If anyone ____________ _____ ______ ________ [God’s] ___________….”

(b) What does someone who speaks from himself seek? (Verse 18a)
(c) What did Jesus say that He sought? (Verse 18b)

Revelation introduces us to the manifestation of the glory of God; without it, the glory cannot be seen.

The purpose of doctrine is to establish believers solidly in the faith. Once the foundation of doctrine is laid, we build on it. Every such transition implies risk because it involves moving from a known location to an unknown one. Most people fear the unknown; therefore, they prefer to stay in one place where it is comfortable and convenient. However, people who do not move—those without revelation—may never experience the power of God flowing through them. We must desire to go to higher levels, other dimensions; to expand into new territories; to move to greater realms of faith, anointing, glory, growth, and maturity. Christian living is designed to be a daily adventure because we must meet every new challenge with faith. If we conform—settling for where we are now—we become stagnant, and this does not please God.

God’s glory is with us on the earth, just as the Scripture says. (See Habakkuk 2:14.) The only thing we need to access and manifest the glory is the knowledge of God as revealed by the Holy Spirit. Men and women who have moved in God’s supernatural power and have been used by Him to do miracles, signs, and wonders have had a revelation given by His Spirit; this is what made them different from others.
You don’t have to be a preacher or a leader in your church to begin to receive revelation and to act on it. As He did with the early church, the Lord is doing in the twenty-first century: He is using common people to carry out His will on the earth. Will you allow God to work through you?

Prayer of Activation
Father of glory, thank You for the gifts of the Spirit and the ministry gifts You have imparted to the church. We ask You to activate them in us as we “fan them into flame” in anticipation of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We make ourselves available to receive Your revelation and power for this generation. In Jesus’ name, amen.