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Study 19 – Transformed Into His Glory III

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 3:18)


The glory of God releases something in the hearts of people that cannot be received directly through hearing teachings, reading books, listening to messages on CD, or receiving an anointing through the laying on of hands—even though these things are good and can point us to the glory. What the glory of God releases can be received only in His presence; there, people’s vision is enlarged, and a passion for expanding the kingdom and winning souls is ignited within them. The glory of God releases empathy and love for others, as it generates zeal to do His will. Above all, a thirst for seeking the face of God and knowing Him intimately increases exponentially in people. If we sincerely want to be changed and transformed, we must dare to enter into His presence and stay in His movement, from glory to glory, without stopping or becoming stagnant.

  1. A fourth obstacle to godly transformation is having a spirit of “religion” and legalism. (a) Instead of living in their newfound freedom in Christ, what were the Colossians subjecting themselves to? (Colossians 2:20b)


(b) On what were the regulations based? (Verse 22b)


(c) What did these regulations have an appearance of? Complete the following: Verse 23a: “These things indeed have an appearance of ________________ _____  _________________________ _______________, ______________ _________________, and __________________ ______ ________ _____________….”

(d) How useful were the regulations in overcoming the fleshly nature? (Colossians 2:23b)


When Christians cease to be changed, they lose their power and return to religion and formality.

  1. (a) What did the Lord say about the Israelites, who had fallen into religion and legalism? (Isaiah 29:13a)


(b) What was the faulty foundation of their instruction on the “fear,” or reverence, of the Lord? (Verse 13b)


The greatest tragedy in life is to lose the presence of God and not even know it.

  1. (a) By what—and through what—are we saved, if not by religion? (Ephesians 2:8a)


(b) What two things is salvation not a result of? (Verses 8b–9a)


(c) How does salvation come to us? (Verse 8b)


  1. What has Christ done to the “handwriting of requirements that was against us,” since we have all failed to obey the holy law of God in our own strength and abilities? (Colossians 2:14)


  1. False religion, having only a “form of godliness,” often shows its counterfeit nature by what it “denies.” Complete the following:

2 Timothy 3:5: “…having a form of godliness but ________________ ______  _______________.”

  1. Recall in what way the Lord confirmed the reality of the apostles’ preaching. (Mark 16:20b)


Without the manifestations of the supernatural power of God, Christianity is like any other religion.

Part IV: The Final Transformation in Glory

  1. (a) What will happen “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye” to believers who have died, and to believers who are alive, when Christ returns? (1 Corinthians 15:52b)


(b) What will be the nature of the change that will occur for all believers? (Verse 53)


What transformation will take place in its fullness when Jesus is revealed, and we “see Him as He is”? (1 John 3:2b)


What analogy did Peter use to describe how, in the “power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:16), we will be completely transformed into His likeness? Complete the following: 2 Peter 1:19b: “…until ______ _______ _____________ _______ _______ __________________ ______________ ______________ _____ _____________ _________________.”


Since we need to be continually transformed from glory to glory, there is a problem when we are not in the process of being changed—it means we do not currently walk in the glory of God. This is the reason for the lack of transformation we observe in the lives of many believers: they are not being regularly exposed to the glory of the Father.

Surely, no change is easy; it is usually difficult and painful. But if that is what it takes to enter into a greater dimension of God’s glory, we need it. Are you willing to be transformed? If your answer is yes, God will take care of everything because He does not want you to waste your time following religious norms. He wants you to enjoy the highest dimension of His glory.

Moreover, being in the glory is not just an “experience” for us to bask in; it brings about a transformation that allows us to minister to others in remarkable ways. Jesus came to earth to show us how to reach out to others with salvation, healing, and deliverance, just as He did. Let us be transformed into His image “in ever increasing splendour” (2 Corinthians 3:18 AMP).

Prayer of Activation

Father of glory, fill us once again with Your Holy Spirit, so that we may be like the sun that “shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.” Impart to us the knowledge of You, enabling us to be renewed in that knowledge every day according to the image of Christ in His glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Action Steps

Ask yourself these questions: Since I became a Christian, have I remained the same, or have I been growing more like Christ? Have I stopped being transformed? Why? Are the power and presence of God active in my life? If not, when did the life of the supernatural diminish for me? Have I become irrelevant in the advancement of the kingdom of God? When did the services at my church seem to become routine? Have I conformed myself to my worldly surroundings or to my sickness, poverty, or sin? Answer each of these questions honestly. God calls every believer to change because He wants to take us to another level in Him. Ask Him to deliver you from everything negative to which you have conformed, so that the Holy Spirit can begin to transform your life, your family, and your ministry, starting within you.

Make a decision not to dwell on your past failures or to become self-satisfied with your past successes. Seek to develop the attitude of Paul: “Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13–14).