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Study 12 – Transitioning from the Anointing to the Glory

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.” (Ephesians 1:17)

Revelation, or revealed knowledge, leads us to experience God’s glory. And we receive revelation as we draw closer to Him. Most of us stay in the realm of faith and the anointing. Yet, to transition from the anointing to glory, we must recognize who receives revelation, develop a redeemed mind-set according to God’s perspective, allow God to be God, respect the glory, and realize that revelation comes only to those who truly hunger and thirst for Him.

Study Questions

Part I: Who Receives Revelation?
1. (a) To whom does God disclose His “secret”?
Complete the following: Psalm 25:14: “The secret of the Lord is with ___________ _______ __________ [reverence] _________, and He will ___________ ___________ ________ ______________________.”
(b) What did Moses tell the Israelites concerning those to whom God’s revelation belongs, as well as the reason why He gives it to them? Complete the following: Deuteronomy 29:29: “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to _____ _______ _____ ________ ____________________ __________________, that we may _____ ________ _______ _____________ ______ _________ ______________.”
2. Through what means does God reveal what He has prepared for those who love Him? (1 Corinthians 2:10a)

For lack of revelation and knowledge, many believers have never experienced the glory of God.

3. What did God tell Jeremiah He would do if he called on Him? (Jeremiah 33:3)
4. What do we need to pray daily that the “Father of glory” will give us, as Paul prayed for the Ephesians? (Ephesians 1:17b)

Reflections on Communion with God
God shares His secrets only with those who reverence and respect Him—not with His enemies, who despise and reject His secrets, and not with those who are complacent toward Him and His ways. Intimate communion with God is part of the covenant we have with Him through Jesus Christ, and He gives His revelation to those who are humble in heart. When people do not reverence the Lord, they are not able to receive truths taught from the Word of God by preachers and teachers. In such cases, their failure to receive God’s truths is not due to a lack on the part of the preachers or teachers but to the state of these people’s hearts.

Part II: Jesus Opened the Way to Ongoing Revelation
5. Under the old covenant, only the high priest could enter the Most Holy Place, or Holy of Holies, in the temple once a year, on the Day of Atonement, to make restitution for the people’s sins. The Holiest was separated from the rest of the temple by a curtain, or veil because that is where God’s presence was manifested above the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant. What happened to this veil in the temple at the very moment when Jesus died on the cross? (Matthew 27:51a)
6. (a) How has Jesus enabled us to be reconciled to God? Complete the following: Hebrews 6:20: “…the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, ______________ ______________ ___________ ____________ ___________________ according to the order of Melchizedek.”
(b) With what did Jesus enter the Most Holy Place, or heaven, “having obtained eternal redemption” (Hebrews 9:12)? (Verse 12a)
(c) How often did He enter, and for whom? Complete the following:
Verse 12b: “He entered the Most Holy Place ___________ ________ _________….”
7. Through our faith and hope in Jesus, what can we now also enter? Complete the following:
Hebrews 6:19b: “…________ __________________ behind the veil.”
8. (a) Because of what Jesus has done for us, in what manner may we enter the Holiest, and by what means? (Hebrews 10:19a)
(b) When we are in God’s presence, in what way are we to draw near to Him? (Verse 22a)
9. Now that we have peace with God and access into His grace through our faith in Jesus Christ, what do we rejoice in? (Romans 5:2)

Key Definition: In Hebrews 10:19, the word translated “boldness” is the Greek word parrhesia, which means “freedom of speech; unreserved in speech; to speak openly and with honesty.” This definition helps us to understand that merely “believing” in what Jesus did for us is not enough. We must say it, declare it, decree it. The redeemed must testify saying, “I am redeemed.” (See Psalm 107:2.)

Part III: Develop a New Mind-set
10. Our redemption in Jesus, by which we can enter the presence of God, involves a new way of thinking. What did God say about the covenant He would make with His people through Christ? (Hebrews 10:16b)
11. With what three aspects of our being did Jesus say we are to love God completely? (Matthew 22:37)
12. Since we were “raised with Christ” (Colossians 3:1), on what should we “set” our minds? (Colossians 3:2)
13. Using Jesus’ model prayer as a pattern, what should we pray as a reflection of our new mind-set in Christ? (Matthew 6:10)
14. According to Jesus, what are possible to those who believe in God? (Mark 9:23b)

When the spirit of wisdom and revelation is absent, the church imparts only information and natural knowledge, and people are not transformed.

Part IV: Allow God to Be God
15. (a) What are we to do in recognition of God? (Psalm 46:10a)
(b) Where will God be exalted? (Verse 10b)
16. (a) Whose example was Jesus following as He performed specific healings and miracles? (John 5:19b)
(b) Why did the Father show the Son everything that He did? (Verse 20a)
17. (a) What did Jesus say in the garden of Gethsemane that reflected His inner commitment to surrender His life fully to God and His sovereign purposes? (Matthew 26:39b)
(b) What must we do, in order to follow in His footsteps? (Matthew 16:24b)
(c) What will happen to those who desire to save their lives, and what will happen to those who lose their lives for Christ’s sake? (Verse 25)
18. By what did Jesus learn obedience, even though He was the Son of God? (Hebrews 5:8b)

No knowledge or revelation becomes ours until it is obeyed and practiced.

19. What mind-set did Christ have, which we are also to have? (See Philippians 2:5.) Complete the following:
(a) Philippians 2:7: “…but __________ __________________ _____ _____ _______________________, taking the form of a bondservant….”
(b) What did Christ do, which we are to emulate? Complete the following:
Verse 8: “And being found in appearance as a man, He __________________ _________________ and __________________ ______________________ _____ _______ ______________ _____ ________________….”

Prayer of Activation
Father of glory, we honour and worship You. Show us great and mighty things through the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. Let us know all that You have for us in the new covenant You have made with us through Your Son Jesus. Impart to us the mysteries of the kingdom of God, so that we may increasingly serve You better. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name, amen!