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Study 1 – Our Glorious God

“Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all.” (1 Chronicles 29:11)


The glory of God is not just a theological concept to be learned. It is a reality that can be experienced continually by His people. When we live in God’s glory, we dwell in His very presence, receive His love and grace, understand His heart, learn His will, and experience His divine power. That power transforms lives – saving, healing, and delivering – and enacts miracles and wonders that reveal God’s majesty.

Unfortunately, many theologians, teachers, preachers, and church members consider the glory of God to be a thing of the past: something that was known in biblical times, in events such as the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt but cannot be experienced today. Yet the glory of God is for our present generation. God desires to reveal His glory to His people and to the world, and He will do so through our lives as we seek Him. “You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). In this first study, we will begin our search by discovering what the Word of God says about our heavenly Father as the unparalleled, glorious God.

Study Questions

Part I: God’s Glory Fills Heaven and Earth

  1. What belongs to the Lord God? (1 Chronicles 29:11)


  1. What does the “great multitude in heaven” declare about God? (Revelation 19:1)



A Hebrew word translated as “glory” in the Old Testament is Kabowd. Its literal meaning is “weight,” but it is used figuratively in the sense of “splendour,” “abundance,” “honour,” or “glory”; it is something “glorious.” Kabowd is used variously to describe an individual’s wealth, power or majesty, influential position, or great honour. (See, for example, Genesis 31:1; 45:13.) Kabowd can also express fame, reputation, recognition, beauty, magnificence, strength, dignity, splendour, respect, excellence, holiness, and greatness. (See, for example, Exodus 28:2; Psalm 49:16-17.) From these connotations, we may conclude that the glory of God expresses all of His attributes.

A Greek word that best expresses the meaning of Kabowd in the New Testament is doxa. It leads to the notion of reputation, honour, fame, praise, dignity, splendour, and brilliance. Doxa speaks of the real majesty belonging to God as the Supreme Governor – majesty in the sense of the absolute perfection of His deity.

KEY DEFINITION: The glory of God is the total sum of His attributes, character, and intrinsic virtues, the brilliance of his presence, and the splendour of His majesty.

  1. Where did the psalmist say God has “set” His glory? (Psalm 8:1b)



  1. (a) What do the heavens declare? (Psalm 19:1a)


(b) What does the firmament show? (Verse 1b)


(c) What did the psalmist say about the ability of the heavens and earth to communicate God’s glory to people throughout the world? (Psalm 19:3-4a)


  1. What else do the heavens declare? (Psalm 97:6a)


  1. The seraphim are special angels who dwell at God’s throne. What do they say is full of God’s glory? (Isaiah 6:3b)


  1. Is there anywhere we can go that God is not present? (Psalm 139:7-12)


  1. Like David, what should we make a point to meditate on? (Psalm 145:5)


Part II: To God Be The Glory

  1. What do the seraphim declare about God that reveals an essential aspect of His glory? (Isaiah 6:3a)


The glory (presence) of God is the spiritual atmosphere of heaven, like air is the physical atmosphere of earth.


  1. What does God say concerning those who would try to usurp His glory, or attribute glory to something other than Him? (Isaiah 42:8b)


  1. (a) What shouldn’t the wise man glory in? (Jeremiah 9:23)


(b) What shouldn’t the mighty man glory in? (Verse 23)


(c) What shouldn’t the rich man glory in? (Verse 23)


  1. What should a person glory in? (Jeremiah 9:24a; 1Corinhians 1:31)


  1. Which works does the Lord delight in exercising? (Jeremiah 9:24b)


Only God has intrinsic glory: “He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.”


Part III: God Shares His Glory

  1. Considering God’s greatness and glory, how do we know He is interested in what goes on in the world He created? (Psalm 113:5-6)


  1. Although God will not allow anyone usurp His glory, what does He desire to give to those who love Him and walk according to His ways? (Psalm 84:11b) Choose one of the following by circling the letter:
  • Grace
  • Glory
  • Every good thing
  • All of the above


God desires to share His glory with His people.

  1. What term for God did the Apostle Paul use that combines the concepts of His love and His majesty? Complete the following:

Ephesians 1:17: “… that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, __________ _____________ ___________ _________________, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.”

  1. What is God’s purpose for His “sons” – all those who have become His children through faith in Christ Jesus? Complete the following:

Hebrews 2:10: “For it was fitting for [God], for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in ______________________ ____________ ________________ ___________ ____________________, to make the captain of their salvation [Jesus] perfect through sufferings.”

  1. In Jesus’ prayer to God the Father shortly before His arrest and crucifixion, what did He affirm that He had given His followers? (John 17:22a)


  1. What has God given us as a “guarantee,” “deposit” (NIV), or down payment for the fullness of His glory? (2 Corinthians 5:5b)



The glory of God is the essence of all that He is.


There are numerous aspects to God’s glory, and He desires to show these dimensions of His glory to those who love and serve Him. In the glory of God – in His presence – everything “is”; therefore, every need of humanity can be met, so that we are complete. In the glory are healing, deliverance, and miracles (even creative miracles, such as new organs being formed) etc.

Many people do not understand God’s glory because they have never experienced it, either personally or through a church or ministry. I pray that you will have supernatural experiences even as you progress through this Bible study. I consider of utmost importance the sections at the end of each study entitled “Prayer of Activation” and “Action Steps.” Don’t allow these studies to be only an intellectual exercise for you. Use it as a guide to bring you into the very presence of God.

Prayer of Activation

Father of glory, thank You for revealing Your magnificence to the world and for making known to Your people, in a personal way, Your glory, holiness, and grace. Grant us a deep desire to know You in Your fullness and to receive all Your glory into our lives, even now, and let us live in Your presence. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Action Steps

  • Meditate on the following Scriptures and incorporate them into your prayers and your worship of God: Ephesians 1:17-21; 1 Chronicles 29:11; Isaiah 6:3; Jeremiah 9:24.
  • Each day this week, choose an aspect of creation and consider how it “declares” the glory of God. Then, offer praise and worship to God for His surpassing glory.